dilluns, 18 de maig del 2009

Today, I put the acrostic poem of English. I work to hard for do this poem, and finally I put this in the blog. The poem talk about the first concert of a teenager. ENJOY!


POEM: Unforgetable Moment.

My heart beats fast,
Yesterday I was dreaming this;

Colors and lights invade the place,
Hands and feets move in harmony,
Ears listen to his voice and eyes cry for this sweet moment,
My mind is on the point of exploding;
I don't believe I'm here,
Crying for the songs they play,
A song is coming after another,
Legs dance and fans sing lyrics;

Rows are full of people,
Our band is fabulous today,
Mister Way sings in front of the stage,
A guitarrist plays very fast and another a bit slouly;
Nice stage and wonderful place;
Cameras and mobiles record the performance;
Exceptional ending... and unforgetable moment.